Posts Tagged ‘Perspective: Community Leader’
Letter to Editor: Angela Hardy of Knoxville, TN
Angela Hardy of Knoxville, TN writes: It is apparent the Senators have their own agenda and are not representing the majority concerns. Maybe it is time to repeal and replace those who ignore the cries of the poor,those on the margins of life,those who are working two and three jobs to make ends meet. Let's…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Courtney of Nashville, TN
Courtney of Nashville, TN writes: My name is Courtney and I am a Nashville resident. I am so disappointed in Senators Corker and Alexander. They have an opportunity to prove to their constituents that they will stand up for us, and for our health care. Senator Alexander has stated that the ACA should only be…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Sharon of Kingsport, TN
Sharon of Kingsport, TN writes: I am a person of faith and a grandmother who has seen first-hand the benefits of the ACA. My grandson has a condition that will require lifelong medical monitoring and intervention (yet he has a normal expected lifespan). Without Obamacare, his father wouldn’t have been able to accept a better…
Read MoreKatherine of Philadelphia, PA
Katherine of Philadelphia, PA writes: I work with Medicaid beneficiaries for my full-time job as a leader at a non-profit in Philadelphia. And my brother, my spouse, and I all have chronic health conditions. I’ve seen how hard it is to make health care affordable in this country, and I’ve seen how the Affordable Care Act…
Read MoreSean of Joelton, TN
Sean of Joelton, TN writes: My wife and I live in Joelton, TN on a couple acres and look after my 80 year old mother and a few barnyard animals. We both work in different aspects of community health and witness firsthand the plight of the uninsured. Between us we have over fifty years of…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Amy of Nashville, TN
Amy of Nashville, TN writes: As a nurse in a major medical center in Nashville, I have witnessed the devastating effects of a lack of healthcare coverage. The nightmare of a a family with young children losing their home due toe insurmountable medical debt. We a pleading with Senator Corker & Alexander to oppose repeal of the…
Read MoreCora of Chattanooga, TN
Cora of Chattanooga, TN writes: My Christian faith moves me to love and care about people. I was diagnosed with cancer a few years before the ACA became law. I have two adult children, 5 grandchildren, and 7 great grandchildren. I routinely volunteer to make my neighborhood better. After working over 40 years I was…
Read MoreEVERLENA of Chattanooga, TN
EVERLENA of Chattanooga, TN writes: As a community leader, since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, roughly 20 million uninsured Americans have gained health insurance, and has brought the national uninsured rate to an all-time low of 8.6 percent. Regardless of the changes in the upcoming administration in January 2017, Hamilton County…
Read MoreKellie of Knoxville, TN
Kellie of Knoxville, TN writes: I’ve lived in Knoxville all my life, circulating through all the various coffee shops at some point in time. Currently I am a student at UTK studying political science and public relations. I chose these majors because I strongly believe the people of this nation who have seen, listened to,…
Read MoreMelissa of knoxville, TN
melissa of knoxville, writes: I am a 45 year old woman living in Knoxville, who has Multiple Sclerosis. My MS was diagnosed 11 years ago, after a hospital stay that totaled $38,000. Luckily, I had insurance at the time, but quickly realized I would never have the luxury of not having health insurance. MS hits…
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