Posts Tagged ‘Murfreesboro Daily News Journal’
Letter to Editor: Michael of Nashville, TN
Michael of Nashville, TN writes: I am disappointed by Senator Alexander’s actions this week. All Americans, deserve to see a real plan that protects quality, affordable health care. “repeal and delay” or “repeal-and-promise” strategies are irresponsible. Claiming that a replacement plan that affects on sixth of our economy and hundreds of millions of people can be crafted,…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: darryl of Livingston, TN
darryl of Livingston, TN writes: They say its broke?? Its NOT broke~ I want to keep the ACA like it is! DONT TOUCH!! Help darryl get this message heard by adding your voice. We’re stronger together. [ADD YOUR LETTER TO EDITOR]
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Amy of Knoxville, TN
Amy of Knoxville, TN writes: I’ve been a medical professional for 20 years and I see patients daily who would suffer in pain and would not receive the treatment they need and deserve if the ACA is repealed without a reasonable replacement. Think about your family and PLEASE support this effort as you would for…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Caroline of Knoxville, TN
Caroline of Knoxville, TN writes: January 8, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: My name is Caroline Cranford and I am a student at UT from North Carolina. I came to Tennessee because I love Knoxville and football and I have grown to love the University. I plan to stay in Tennessee…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Lindy of Lookout Mtn, TN
Lindy of Lookout Mtn, TN writes: I’m frightened to think about Congress dismantling the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without replacing. Americans benefit from ACA, even those with employer insurance. My experience is a good example. Before ACA, I tried to purchase private insurance; however, insurance would not cover my “woman parts” due to a pre-existing condition.…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Jackie of Nashville, TN
Jackie of Nashville, TN writes: I am privileged to have medical insurance but write as a retired healthcare provider on behalf of those who will be without coverage should this legislation be repealed, particularly without another viable plan in place. Lack of healthcare is not only catastrophic for the patient but for their family as…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Amy of Nashville, TN
Amy of Nashville, TN writes: As a nurse in a major medical center in Nashville, I have witnessed the devastating effects of a lack of healthcare coverage. The nightmare of a a family with young children losing their home due toe insurmountable medical debt. We a pleading with Senator Corker & Alexander to oppose repeal of the…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Claire of Sewanee, TN
Claire of Sewanee, TN writes: I recently became a Certified Application Counselor. During this Open Enrollment period, I am serving in communities in rural Tennessee, mainly in Grundy, Marion and Franklin counties. This is has been an extremely rewarding experience. I have helped enroll/re-renoll 17 people so far who have all been extremely grateful for…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Melissa of Chattanooga, TN
Melissa of Chattanooga, TN writes: I am a 46 year old, single female with no children living in Chattanooga, Tn. Until I was able to get insured under the ACA (Obamacare) I had only a couple of jobs that provided insurance coverage. I had a history of endometriosis which had been treated surgically years ago. About 3…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Kelley of Chattanooga, TN
Kelley of Chattanooga, TN writes: I am an advocate for the Affordable Care Act. In recent years, it is true, I am paying more for my companies health insurance. I do not blame the ACA for this development. The reasons I pay more does not have simple answers. I believe that health care is…
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