Posts Tagged ‘Perspective: Small Business Owner’
Letter to Editor: Marge of Madison, TN
Marge of Madison, TN writes: I am a small business owner in Middle TN. Because of the ACA, I have been able to offer my staff (all 8 of them) excellent health care coverage, with no worries about preexisting conditions. The proposed changes will probably double the premiums for my "mature" employees and who knows…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Craig of Signal Mountain, TN
Craig of Signal Mountain, TN writes: There is something highly immoral about making decisions behind closed doors that affect so many people. We need transparency and you even called for that. I fail to see the follow up from you in hosting/scheduling town hall meetings etc. If you can't follow through on this, then please,…
Read MoreDarcy of Tucson, AZ
Darcy of Tucson, AZ writes: My husband and I are self-employed owners of small businesses in Tucson, AZ. My husband is a self-employed ceramic artist and I am an on-line book retailer. We have lived in Tucson for 20 years, and raised our young daughters here. Despite the economic decline of 2008-2010, we diversified our…
Read MoreDebra and Kevin of Snowflake, AZ
Debra and Kevin of Snowflake, AZ writes: My husband and I retired to Az after working overseas for many years where we had socialized medicine. We have been in Snowflake Az for almost 5 years and since we had no social security or other pensions we started buying rental properties for income so we are…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Amy of Nashville, TN
Amy of Nashville, TN writes: My name is Amy Cooper and I want to share my story in hopes that our elected officials will reconsider repealing the Affordable Care Act without an effective replacement. Both of my children live with serious autoimmune diseases, one of which periodically requires hospitalization and lifelong medication. Our last trip to…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Keren of Nashville, TN
Keren of Nashville, TN writes: Dear Editor, I am a local mother, wife and self employed commercial designer. I love this city and the life our family has built. We are now one of the families lucky enough to have great high-quality healthcare. This was not always the case. For many years I was stuck…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Denise of Nashville, TN
Denise of Nashville, TN writes: Dear Editor, My name is Denise Bahil and I am a constituent from Nashville. I am writing because I stand by the Tennessee Senators statements to NOT repeal the ACA until there is an acceptable replacement. However, I am disappointed by their recent votes on the budget resolution that seems…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Samantha of Nashville, TN
Samantha of Nashville, TN writes: My name is Samantha Saturn. I am a 45 year old mother and entrepreneur living in Nashville with my two children, Zander (8) and Natalie (5). My husband also runs his own business as a Physical Therapist. We are successful, hard-working Americans that send our children to public school and have…
Read MoreLetter to Editor: Clea of Nashville, TN
Clea of Nashville, TN writes: I am a woman, a mother, a business owner, and now a Tennessean. I’ve never written a letter to a newspaper before, but my outrage over the repeal of the ACA (Obamacare) without a replacement, has reached new heights. If a smart option for a replacement existed, that would be…
Read Moretest of nashville, TN
test of nashville, TN writes: test test test Help test get this message heard by adding your voice. We’re stronger together. [ADD YOUR STORY]
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