Protect Our Care Statement on Senate Proceeding on Health Care Repeal

Protect Our Care Campaign Director Leslie Dach made the following statement after the Senate took its first vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, despite bipartisan opposition in the Senate, opposition from most patient advocacy and health care experts and only 12% support from the American people. Dach is a former Senior Counselor at HHS.


“Despite bipartisan opposition in the Senate and throughout the country, the Senate took their first health care repeal vote today. Every nonpartisan analysis has shown that health care repeal means tens of millions lose insurance, premiums go up by double digits and patient protections for life threatening diseases get gutted. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans didn’t care. They thought it was more important to give in to the extreme right wing and deliver a tax break for the wealthy and big corporations.

Every member who promised to protect their constituents’ health care broke that promise today.

Senators still have a chance to stand up for our health care and vote no on final repeal. The question is whether they’ll listen to the experts and the clear wishes of the American people, or continue to ignore us all. It’s long past time for them to abandon this Republicans-only health care repeal and work with Democrats to improve our health care system.”