Linda of Chattanooga, TN
Linda of Chattanooga, TN writes:
I’ve lived in Chattanooga area for 46 years and taught in elementary schools for 35 years. Since 2005, I’ve been retired and volunteering in various organizations and political campaigns. I live in the North Chattanooga section of the city. I enjoy the museums, parks, RiverWalk, other outdoor opportunities as well as the excellent music venues our wonderful city has to offer.
I taught all elementary grades 1-6 including all subjects. I stayed in teaching for a variety of reasons: stable income when my husband was unemployed, loved students, continued graduate work to stay updated on new ideas in education.
In November ’16, I became an assistant to our local Enroll the Region coordinator in helping people get enrolled in the ACA for 2017. As a senior, I’m concerned about losing Medicare which would be detrimental to mine and my husband’s health.
The ACA is important to me personally because of Medicare. I have other insurance through my teacher’s retirement but the Medicare supplement allows me to have better preventative care.
I’m very interested in the threat to repeal the ACA more for others than myself. Seeing people and hearing stories about how insurance has finally saved their lives is extremely important to me.
Because I have a nephew who has been diagnosed with as bi-polar, he needs the ACA to be able to afford his medication and in some cases help with the cost of hospital care. We need more help with our mental health patients.
Another major concern of mine is the possibility of those with pre-existing conditions losing their insurance. I know children with severe health issues. I cannot imagine how detrimental it will be to their families emotionally and financially if they don’t continue to receive health insurance at an affordable cost.
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