Letter to Editor: Sherrie of Knoxville, TN
Sherrie of Knoxville, TN writes:
I am an example of what can happen to someone who doesn’t have access to medical care. I lost a job with health insurance due to pre-existing conditions that the insurer didn’t want to cover. I tried for years to get coverage under TNCare but they put more restrictions on eligibility than Medicaid does. As a result of not having insurance and access to medical care, my conditions worsened over the years to the point where I became disabled. I was a productive member of the work force, but many employers don’t offer health coverage, which is why ACA is so important. Had that been available 20 years ago, I could have gotten treatment that would likely have kept me in the work force for many more years. Our Senators & Representatives have shown us that they are partisan bigots who would rather waste time on repeal than to fix what might need fixing with ACA to continue coverage for all Americans., especially those with pre-existing conditions.
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