Letter to Editor: Marlene of Knoxville, TN
Marlene of Knoxville, TN writes:
I’m a former nurse and a science writer from Knoxville, Tennessee. I’ve always had insurance through my work, but in the periods in between jobs, you are hoping that nothing bad happens because there is no way to pay for healthcare.
At 63, I was ready to work from home but worried about not having health insurance. Through the Marketplace, I found an affordable plan and was able to start working as a writer from home. The Affordable Care Act means the world for older Americans who are transitioning to retirement.
Senator Alexander, put the well-being of your constituents first and don’t repeal the ACA: it’s the most important thing we can do to make ourselves and our societies stronger. So many Americans are doing everything they can to keep themselves well. You should be helping us, not making things harder.
There are millions of seniors who benefit from the ACA. Without the ACA, so many people wouldn’t be able to take the preventative steps needed to stay healthy. That means more people will face severe illness that they could have prevented if they had been able to go to the doctor regularly.
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