Letter to Editor: Judy of Chattanooga, TN
Judy of Chattanooga, TN writes:
Dear Editor,
Long before I was in a position of actually needing to purchase health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, I supported it to bring health care coverage to millions of people. I believe access to health care is a right of all Americans. People that did not take care of themselves because of the high costs of health, and perhaps relied on emergency rooms for care when it became necessary.
In April of 2016, after 28 years of serving in not for profit work for the betterment of my community, my position was abruptly eliminated. So at age 60, I was caught between not being able to afford health insurance and being too young for Medicare. Because of the ACA, I am able to have coverage I can afford and know should I have a major health issue (I’m currently healthy and usually only needing preventative care), I’ll be able to get the medical assistance I need.
I urge everyone to call Senators Corker and Alexander to oppose repeal of the Affordable Care Act, taking away health care from millions of Americans like me.
Judy Gallagher
Chattanooga, TN
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