Letter to Editor: Denise of Nashville, TN
Denise of Nashville, TN writes:
To the editor:
I am writing today to petition Senators Alexander and Corker to oppose any repeal without replacement of the ACA. This would be reckless and insensitive.
Suicide is now the number one killer among pre-teens and teens. What will happen with mental health? How will we help these kids?
The CBO said over 32M people would lose insurance if Congress moves forward with a full repeal. How will these Americans get healthcare? Do we really want them to NOT get care until it becomes an emergency situation (which will be much more costly).
There is no time to waste and the path forward seems clear. Republicans and Democrats need to work together to fix the ACA. The current instability has caused utter chaos in the insurance market.
Please hold hearings in the Senate, and then meet with the people who really matter face to face: your constituents, physicians, insurance providers, community leaders, clergy, etc.
Denise Bahil
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