Letter to Editor: Deborah of Parrottsville, TN
Deborah of Parrottsville, TN writes:
No one I know is on Obama Care, however, I am concerned that those individuals who take advantage of this plan are being signaled out with no thought as to how much this will affect their lives. Does anyone really believe the goal of the Republican party is to come up with better health care than Obama Care offers? I am convinced this is a ploy to discredit Obama’s legacy. I have written Senator Alexander more than once and the response I receive is always vague. His last letter stated “…the need to begin immediately to repeal Obamacare and reform the nation’s health care system but to do it in a thoughtful, careful way that gives Americans more choices of low-cost insurance.” Does he ask what the people want in TN before “assuming” we want it repelled? Replacing it with low cost insurance – does that mean provisions removed such as preexisting conditions, etc. What discourages so many people is that these individuals are placed in congress with only their agenda in mind not the people they represent. He is lying or delusional that the Republicans can come up with a better plan. I believe it is time to replace those individuals who work for the party not the people. This senator has no idea what the words thoughtful and caring really mean.
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