Tell Your Local Lawmakers:
Reopen Schools Safely
Dear [Your Local School Board Member & Lawmakers]:
I'm a voter in your district with (introduce yourself and why you are writing them)
I believe that most of us want to see our schools open, our children healthy and safe, and local businesses recovering from the crisis of the last year and a half.
That is why I'm calling for an end to the politicization of the COVID-19 health crisis that is endangering the lives of the unvaccinated, including children returning to school, and threatening our state's economic recovery.
[share why children safe in schools following CDC public health guidance is important to you personally]
The Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics have issued COVID health safety guidance for schools, including the need to increase vaccinations and temporary mask requirements, both essential to saving lives and keeping schools and businesses open.
Make the ask: will you stop the political attacks on public health and support the health expert consensus guidance of the AAP and CDC so that we can keep more children safe in school and avoid the disruption to school and business that would come from preventable quarantines?
Other Questions to Consider Asking Opponents to CDC's Public Health Guidance:
- How many avoidable hospitalizations will it take before you change decide to put the health and wellbeing of our children first?
- If temporary mask requirements can save just one child's life don't you agree it is worth it? why not?
- If you ignore CDC and American Academy of Pediatric Health Guidance for safe school reopening you will be responsible for needlessly endangering children in our community. How many hospitalized children would it take for you to change your mind and start following the recommendations of health experts?
- My children should have the freedom and liberty to go to school without others needlessly endangering them by refusing to follow the health guidance, will you stand up for my child's life, liberty from those choosing to endanger them?
- If refusing to follow the CDC guidance and Academy of Pediatrics guidance to do a temporary mask requirement leads to the death of a child, you're okay with that? what will you say to the parents?
Other optional points to consider making:
- in the past year and a half we have seen that whether we’re Black or White, from East, Middle or West Tennessee, the health of one depends on the health of the person next to them, and the person next to that person.
- After months of Gov. Bill Lee passing the buck and telling local communities to fend for themselves, we’ve seen vaccinations lag the country and now the consequence: a worsening COVID-19 outbreak of the more dangerous ‘Delta” variant, right as school is about to begin.
- People are entitled to their freedom and liberty, but when the actions of one can endanger the wellbeing of others, it is your job to protect those who cannot always protect themselves. In this crisis the health of one child affects the health of the child next to them. The political attacks on public health threatening the life and liberty of children in our schools is not acceptable.
- Some politicians and political groups seek to turn us toward going it alone while stoking fear of life-saving vaccinations and temporary mask requirements. But we believe that most Tennesseeans care about more than just themselves, which is why the CDC guidance has worked before. Together, vaccines and temporary mask requirements have proved effective at keeping COVID largely out of schools, keeping children safe in the classroom, and more businesses open with parents at work instead of stuck at home quarantining.
- With the virus variants and number of COVID cases in our community increasing, particularly the delta variant, which has proven to be more highly transmissible and infectious than previous variants, how can you stand for the ongoing rejection of common sense and science?
- Vaccinated people can still become sick and spread disease, and the state's failure to adequately increase vaccinations sufficient to reach herd immunity is endangering children and our state's recovery.