Andy of Nashville, Tennessee
Andy of Nashville, Tennessee writes:
I was working for a publishing company in Silicon Valley, CA who provided great health insurance benefits. That company was sold to another publisher in November of this year. We knew this sale was coming and I had to make some tough decisions. As a result of this sale, my insurance provider would change as would the the prices.
I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis 4 years ago. Spinal Stenosis is a progressive chronic disability. Without the proper medical care I would not be able to walk and would be forced to spend my life in a wheelchair.
I decided to move to Nashville in May of 2016 before the sale of the company took place. I chose Nashville because I have relatives here and planned to one day retire. Several years ago I bought a home here and until the time I decided to move back had used that home as rental income. I ended up moving back.
I knew that if I couldn’t get comparable coverage, I would be looking at a drastic quality of life change and as my disease progressed, I was having increased difficulty walking, climbing stairs and such. So I moved to be where family could care for me.
I researched insurance options and was unable to get covered because of this pre-existing condition. I bought insurance through the ACA and currently have full coverage.
I am scared for my future. If healthcare is taken away, I will not have the quality of life I do now. I will not have coverage because of a pre existing condition. If I could find someone to insure me, I more than likely wouldn’t be able to pay for it.
I need insurance and I need low cost quality options or else I will more than likely die.
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