Amanda of Nashville, TN

Amanda of Nashville, TN writes:

I moved to Nashville a year and a half ago to study Occupational Therapy at Belmont University and will graduate in the Spring of 2018. This is a full-time, intense program and thus I am not able to work and am reliant on savings and loans to meet my needs. I have become an active member of the Nashville community and served on the committee which created the strategic plan for improving sidewalks and bikeways for Davidson county.



Prior to 2014 I have never had any health issues. at

As a student, I am required by my university to have health care. Without the Affordable Care Act it would be impossible for me to afford insurance on my own. I worked for 6 years as a Case Manager for Senior and Disability Services before deciding to go back to school. When I began school the only insurance outside of the Marketplace was through COBRA and would have cost me $800 a month.

Without the Affordable Care Act I would be forced to leave school. My classmates would be unable to afford health care. People now covered by the Affordable Care Act would lose insurance and some would even die. Please do not repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement that guarantees all the same provisions. Any option that covers less individuals will be devastating to our health care system and the American people. Thank you

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